Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day Sale and Blog Schedule

Alright, it has finally arrived!  Our Veteran's Day sale is up and running...please email us (webmaster(at) if you have any issues.

Our form mail (contact us page) should be working flawlessly. If you sent a request and haven't heard from us, try again. Or, you can call or email anytime!

And, finally, our updated blog schedule (NEW ITEMS!):

1. Rivets, Divets and Bungs - Tuesday and Thursday. Whatever random thoughts cross our mind about yachts, marine management, and life aboard.

2. Your Question - Wednesday (NEW!). Submit your question on our website or on Facebook for the experts to answer! If your question is used, you will receive a 5% off coupon for services! (Non-transferable, one-time use, void where prohibited, must meet minimum requirements.)

3. Weekend Checkup - Friday am through Monday am. We kept this one, as it seems to be a favorite.  Which system is next?  Find out tomorrow!

4.Testing and Reviews  - Our yacht becomes a guinea pig. We test items, procedures and practices on our boat, and tell you about them here.  Hopefully, you are saved some head- and heart-ache. :)

Make sure to subscribe if you haven't already to avoid missing anything.

Have a great week!

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