Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wacky Wednesday #1 - Crystal's Epoxy Lessons Learned

Welcome to Wacky Wednesday posts, where we get to be creative and post a humors, yet true anecdote or story from our travails...enjoy!  This week's comes from an email sent between owners a few years back following a head installation:

1. When you are mixing the epoxy, you are sure you don't have/haven't
made nearly enough and will invariably have to make a second batch. After
starting on the first hole, you realize you have enough to patch at
least two cannon ball holes at the waterline while sailing. Who knew?

2. Getting past mayonnaise is really, really difficult and annoying. Why
can't it be as easy as getting past ketchup? Once you get peanut butter,
though, all the pain was worth it. Well, maybe not bit you feel
accomplished at epoxy now and it sounded good. (Think I made it up? Read the instructions on how to mix West System epoxy here:

3. The rag is a last minute addition as you are running/walking very
quickly so that your peanut butter doesn't harden before you use
it..."oh (bleep)" followed by grabbing whatever looks disposable between
where you mixed the stuff and the "project." At least the gloves were
donned prior to the mixing and a rag managed to find its way under the
rusty epoxy cans.

4. Is this the stuff they used to make the river of evil in Ghostbusters
2? Yes, I am sitting in the vicinity sniffing the fumes as I write. Seriously, it looks just like it.

5. The more artistic I try to become, the more of a mess I make and the
worse the outcome looks. On a good note you can just wipe up everything
on top with the little spreader stick, that got you into artistic
trouble in the first place, and start over. This requires the use of
much more epoxy, but still not enough to justify step one.

6. Anytime you try this with a cat around, it takes a forceful removing
of the cat at least three times before they decide that you are evil and
run off to find someone more pleasant to harass, I mean help.

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